
Tuesday 25 August 2020


Electronic Body Music - Industrial Strength - WAV - Royalty-free - £32.95.

How the heck does Industrial Strength do it? 4.11 gigs equalling 2,208 files for just under thirty-three notes? Amazing indeed and completely mind-blowing.

If I was to start to talk about the FANTASTIC (shout, yell) sounds you have at your fingertips then I'd be rabbiting on for hours, so let's simply get to the nitty gritty and show you.....simples!

  • 23 Acid Syn
  • 41 Atmos
  • 35 Bass Shots
  • 49  Basslines
  • 54 Broken Radio
  • 64 Carbon Audio
  • 64 Carbon Presets
  • 20 Bad Connections
  • 59 Dark Drones
  • 23 Drifts
  • 15 Drones
  • 328 Drum Shots
  • 25 Effects
  • 85 Full Drum Loops
  • 97 Fx Loops
  • 15 Kick Loops
  • 55 Full Music Loops
  • 96 Top Loops
  • 40 Fx
  • 55 Generator
  • 37 Guitar Fx
  • 26 Guitars
  • 42 Hits
  • 20 Impacts
  • 19 Broken Kick Loops
  • 26 Loop Kits
  • 279 Files from Loop Kits
  • 16 Metal Vocals
  • 48 Midi Files
  • 20 MX Audio
  • 16 MX Patches
  • 9 Pads
  • 20 Panned Fx
  • 62 Perc Fx Loops
  • 37 Perc Loops
  • 44 Robot Vocals
  • 26 Seti Transmissions
  • 38 Alien Fx
  • 20 Alien Monsters
  • 16 Alien Speak
  • 51 Syn
  • 50 Syn Loops
  • 46 Syn Stabs
  • 32 Techno 128 Carbon Boost
  • 45 License Free Movie Promo Pack  

For all fans of electro, electronica, dark tech plus all things 'weird and wonderful' then this is one of those genuine 'MUST HAVES' and is definitely one you'll be dipping into for years to come.

You simply couldn't make it up as they say AND AND 'we even added a nice collection of License Free Movie clips to give you the extra edge while producing music with this pack.'
WHAT?? Brilliant! And I've never come across that addition in loops packs before.

This is yet another contender for the 'pack of the year 2020' so far - not simply for the incredible value BUT for the sounds themselves. So different, so usable, so EVERYTHING. 

Check it out via the link below then grab it without any hesitation.


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